Pickleball Growth Has Taken the World by Storm

It’s been exciting to watch the growth of pickleball over the past few years! It continues to be America’s fastest-growing sport. And why wouldn’t it be? It’s fun, social, easy to learn, provides health benefits, and is great for all ages.

Pickleball Has Become a Household Name

We started this blog in 2015, but it was before pickleball was officially “cool”. Over the years, we’ve seen many changes as the sport has evolved – from a recreational sport primarily played by seniors to a professional sport paying athletes of all ages a huge salary.

Pickleball started in 1965 but didn’t become a household name until more recently. The growth has accelerated over the past few years as people were searching for something healthy to do during the pandemic. Since pickleball doesn’t require a ton of equipment and can be played in the street, or on a tennis court, it became the sport to play.

There have been estimates that anywhere from 8 million – over 30 million people now play pickleball. Pickleball has also morphed into a professional sport with different tournament tours. Professional pickleball athletes earn a large salary and are offered large amounts of prize money.

Podcast Interview: No Typical Moments

While the growth of the sport has happened over the past few years, so has the growth in our business. We no longer have to ask people if they’ve heard of pickleball, they find us online while searching for pickleball tips and strategies.

I was recently contacted by No Typical Moments. They are a marketing firm out of San Diego, CA. They provide highly specialized digital marketing solutions for their clients. Their CEO, Andrew, does a regular podcast discussing trends in digital marketing. Noticing the upward trend that pickleball is currently on, Andrew reached out.

During the interview, we discussed the growth of pickleball, how marketing has helped that growth, and where pickleball is heading. In addition, we discussed some behind-the-scenes business and marketing ideas with our business, PickleballMAX.

You can find the podcast interview on the No Typical Moments website or view it below on YouTube.



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