2023 Pickleball Rule Changes (& 1 That Didn’t Make It!)

Don’t enter the new year without knowing the major 2023 pickleball rule changes!

Every new year brings with it a whole bunch of new things: a new start, new resolutions – and new pickleball rule changes!

The global pickleball rules that govern how to play everyone’s favorite sport are overseen by the International Pickleball Federation.

Every year, the IFA updates the official pickleball rules based on observations and feedback gathered throughout the previous year.

That means that in January 2023, the new pickleball rules for 2023 will come into effect. Here are the new 2023 pickleball rule changes and a quick guide to what these rule changes mean for picklers everywhere.

You can also find the pickleball rule changes from previous years at the end of this page so you can see how things have changed over the years!


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Why are there new pickleball rules for 2023?

Updating rules on an annual basis is something that happens across almost all sports.

And pickleball is no different!

Pickleball rule changes aren’t just something that the sport’s governing bodies do for fun – but they are (partly) designed to make the sport more fun for players.

Most of the pickleball rule changes have been introduced to prevent disagreements and misunderstandings on the court.

That’s great news for anyone worried about pickleball etiquette!

Pickleball is still a relatively new sport, and it’s growing rapidly in popularity.

As more people take to the pickleball court, more ambiguities or issues with the existing pickleball rules have been made clear.

The new pickleball rules aim to reduce the chances of issues arising both in pickleball tournaments and in recreational games.

And, even though the new rules may take some getting used to, we think that can only be a good thing!

Pickleball Rule Changes

2023 Pickleball Rule Changes

In December 2023, some new pickleball rule changes were announced by USA Pickleball and IFP (the International Federation of Pickleball – the global governing body for pickleball).

The new pickleball rule changes are based on ideas collected from pickleball players throughout the year 2022.

These ideas were collected from emails sent directly to the associations involved, as well as by listening to the conversation taking place online (on sites like this!).

In 2022, there were a total of 78 proposed pickleball rule changes.

As usual, most of them didn’t get the green light, but here are the more notable ones that did and therefore come into effect on 1 January 2023.

1. Pre-spin is banned

While it’s still okay to add spin to the ball using your paddle, it’s no longer allowed to spin the ball with your hand before hitting it.

This new rule is to prevent the server from manipulating the ball prior to serve and will require a reserve.

2. A wrong score can be called (again)

In the 2022 pickleball rule changes, players could no longer stop play to call a wrong score.

However, in 2023, this rule change has been reversed and this is now allowed once again.

That means that any player may stop play before the return of serve in order to call a wrong score. Once the service has been returned, this is still no longer possible.

3. Clothing color matters

According to the 2023 pickleball rule change guidance, players should now avoid wearing any clothing whose color approximates the color of the ball.

While most pickleball balls are yellow, remember that they can also come in blue, orange and pink (our favorite!), especially for indoor play.

Note: while this is currently guidance rather than an official rule, it may well become a rule in future rule changes.

4. It’s YOUR fault if you get hit by a ball (literally)

In case there was any doubt, the 2023 pickleball rule changes have clarified that it is the player who gets hit by the ball – rather than the one who hit the ball – who is at fault.

We thought this was pretty obvious – and perhaps you did too – but there can now be no doubt.

5. Play continues if something falls on the court

Here is a new pickleball rule to keep in mind if any clothing or objects land on the court during play!

When this happens, according to the 2023 pickleball rules, the ball is still in playi

Therefore, if you stop playing because of something landing on the court, you risk losing the point!

6. Equipment time-outs are not required

According to the new 2023 rule, a time-out is not required for broken equipment or wardrobe issues.

Instead, players are expected to limit any downtime to a subjectively “reasonable duration”.

7. Extra balls must be hidden

While it’s still okay to carry extra pickleball balls on you during rallies, they must not be visible to opponents.

This is (understandably) to avoid distraction.

It’s something to keep in mind when buying your pickleball attire and makes it worth choosing pickleball skirts and skorts with built-in pockets that conceal extra balls!

… and a rule change that didn’t happen!

There were many votes for the 2023 pickleball rule changes to introduce a rally-scoring option – i.e. when a point can be scored regardless of who served.

Unfortunately (or fortunately?) this one didn’t pass in the 2023 rule changes, but who knows what the 2024 pickleball rule changes may bring…

An illegal pickleball serve

Previous pickleball rule changes

Curious about which new pickleball rules were introduced in the previous years?

Or want to compare how this year’s pickleball rule changes compare to those that took place in the past?

We’ve left all the previous pickleball rule changes here so you can refer back to them as you please.

Pickleball rule changes in 2021

Over 100 pickleball rule changes were considered for 2021. Each one was put through a carefully thought-out vetting process to decide whether the change would come into effect or not.

In addition to these new pickleball rules, an advisory board of professional pickleball players reviewed the penalty system.

The official 2021 pickleball rulebook – and the accompanying guide to the pickleball rule changes – are the result of this intensive procedure.

The new pickleball rulebook is 81 pages in total, but here are the 10 most significant new pickleball rules that you need to know at a glance!

#1 No more let serves

Probably the most controversial pickleball rule change of all in 2021, the abolition of service lets will please some picklers and frustrate others.

If you haven’t yet learned what a let serve is – don’t bother. From now on, let serves have been removed from the pickleball rule book.

Although you may still call a let serve out of habit, it will unfortunately now be considered a service fault by the team that does so.

#2 The drop serve is added (provisionally)

Initially introduced for pickleball players with a disability, the drop serve will now be permitted by all players.

Just be warned: the drop serve is a “provisional” rule, meaning it may be removed or revised in the future.

So, while you can now use it in all games, just be aware that things could change again!

#3 Other changes to serving rules

Previously, the pickleball rulebook stated that the server could not begin their serve until the score had been call in its entirety. Doing so used to be considered an illegal serve.

From now on, though, changing to the pickleball serving rules means that the score can be called after the player has begun their serve. They must complete the score before the pickleball paddle touches the ball.

The rule pertaining to the server’s feet positioning has also been updated for 2021. While both feet used to have to remain behind the baseline, the new pickleball rules specify that at least one foot must be on the playing surface behind the baseline.

The pickleball score also no longer needs to be called by the server in non-officiated play. It can now be called by either person on the serving team, so you can nominate one player to call the score each time if you wish.

#4 Calling out a wrong score

From time to time, both players and referees make mistakes when calling the score. Previously, when this happened, players had until the serve was returned to call out a wrong score.

Going forward, this time has been extended to allow wrong scores to be called until the third shot of the rally.

If you call a wrong shot before the third score, the server can serve again without penalty. If you call out a wrong score after the third shot, this will be considered a fault by the player who stops play.

#5 Asking the referee questions

Until now, it was forbidden to ask the referee if players are in the correct position during tournament play.

From 2021, the new pickleball rules allow players on both teams to ask if they are in the correct position prior to the serve being struck.

Players on both teams may also ask what the score is and who is the correct server/receiver.

#6 Additional pickleball definitions

Every year, the pickleball rule changes include some additional definitions, and 2021 is no different.

The new pickleball terms and phrases added this year include “ejection”, “coaching”, “expel”, “technical fault” and “plane of the net”.

In addition to these new pickleball terms, some existing ones have been updated to make their definitions clearer.

#7 New pickleball rules for wheelchair players

A number of the pickleball rule changes for 2021 focused on making the sport more inclusive than ever before.

“Wheelchair player” is one of the definitions that has been added to the pickleball rulebook this year, and a number of the new pickleball rules govern play for those in a wheelchair.

The 2021 pickleball rules now include the recommended court dimensions for wheelchair players, as well as a size guide for stadium play.

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