Is Pickleball Good Exercise? The Surprising Truth!

At some point, you’ve probably wondered, “is pickleball good exercise”?

There’s no denying that pickleball can feel like a workout.

A good rally will often work up a sweat and may even leave you out of breath, especially when playing in tournaments.

However, one of the reasons pickleball has such mass appeal is that you don’t need to be a pro athlete – or particularly athletic at all! – to get to a good skill level.

So is pickleball good exercise? What muscles does pickleball work?

And, as many players have wondered, is pickleball good for weight loss? Or are the calories burned in pickleball hardly enough to count?

Given the choice between an intense rally or 30 minutes on the treadmill, there is no question of which option we would choose.

But, is this game just for fun or is it also a way to improve our health? Let’s take a look at the facts.


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Is pickleball good exercise?

Pickleball is so much fun that the benefits of playing are just a bonus.

But is pickleball really good exercise? Or are we kidding ourselves when we tell ourselves it is?

Let’s take a look at when pickleball is good exercise, what counts, what it’s good for and what you need to know if you want to count pickleball as part of your weekly exercise.

How much exercise do we need to do?

Government guidelines recommend that adults take part in 150 minutes of moderate or 75 minutes of vigorous exercise a week.

Add strength training twice a week and you are hitting the national physical activity goals. Unfortunately, only 23% of US adults are managing both of these.

How much pickleball is good exercise?

For the average pickleball player, fitting in 150 minutes of exercise each week should be a breeze!

Even if you are just playing a match of 3 x 20-minute games twice a week, you are well on your way to smashing the national recommendations for cardio.

Players generally rack up 4,000 to 5,000 steps within a single hour of play.

As most of us play more than one match twice a week and practice with pickleball drills – this can add up to a lot of running about.

Another factor to consider is the intensity of your playstyle. Is it light with a lot of concentration on dinking or are you racing across the court at full exertion?

If you’re looking for a truly vigorous workout, try swapping doubles pickleball for some singles play. We suggest skinny singles for a great workout!

Is pickleball good exercise

Is pickleball good for weight loss?

Along with diet, exercise is a vital part of any weight loss plan.

We all know this, but it’s something many of us struggle with.

That’s why it’s so important to choose a type of exercise you enjoy – and, if pickleball is something that makes you want to move, it qualifies!

After all, you’re going to burn more calories playing pickleball for several hours than you are by spending an hour in the gym and then skipping subsequent days because you hate it.

In this way, pickleball can certainly help you lose weight if that’s your goal.

Scheduling in a few hours of pickleball, combined with other activities and a diet involving a calorie deficit can help you to lose weight.

Calories burned playing pickleball

Pickleball works as a form of interval training, with sharp bursts of exercise combined with waiting periods to spring into action.

According to the stats, regular running will burn 11 calories per minute.

So can pickleball be exchanged for your morning run? Almost! Pickleball burns on average 8 calories per minute.

Racket sports company Gamma sports claim an hour of pickleball will burn up to 600 calories!

If you are following the general tournament format advised by the USAPA and playing matches at the best 2 of 3 games to 11 points, you will play for around 50 minutes.

One set of pickleball will be one hour and 2 sets will be two hours.

That is up to 1200 calories burned in one day, while playing a fun sport.

Obviously, you will use fewer calories if you are playing a slightly slower game but competitive play raises your heart rate and temperature, increasing the burn.

What muscles does pickleball work?

But what about strength training?

Pickleball does count as light strength training as players are running around carrying their own weight.

Strength training is important as it helps to counteract the loss of muscle mass that happens as we age.

Pickleball uses many different muscles, so make sure you stretch before you play. According to USAPA these are most used during a match.

  • Ankles
  • Achilles tendon
  • Calf muscles
  • Quadriceps
  • Hamstrings
  • Groin
  • Low back
  • Shoulder
  • Arms

However, to reap the full benefits, alternative strength training is still something you need to add to your exercise routine.

Please read our guide to the best exercises to strengthen your body for pickleball.

Other pickleball health benefits

Pickleball players use a wide range of motion, which makes it good workout in many ways.

During a pickleball game, you will move your arms, legs, wrists and whole body, running across the court, hitting the ball over the net and squatting to receive serves.

And it’s not just your physical health that can benefit from a game. Pickleball can have a positive effect on your mental health, as well as your fitness levels and heart health.

Pickleball is a social game and the social interaction guarantees new social connections that can enhance your happiness off the court.

Playing on outdoor courts and getting some fresh air and Vitamin D is also a great way to boost your mental well-being.

Other health benefits of pickleball include:

  • Better cardiovascular health
  • Reducing stress
  • Burning calories
  • Improving brain function
  • Combating fatigue
  • Better sleep
  • Stabilizing high blood pressure
  • Improving mood and reducing the chances of depression
  • Better hand-eye coordination
example of pickleball exercises

Is pickleball good for seniors?

One of the greatest things about pickleball is that it can be played by people of all ages and abilities. Pickleball is a sport that has encouraged a new group of people to exercise.

Along with eating healthily and seeing the doctor, exercise is a key component of healthy ageing.

Pickleball is a great exercise for seniors as the smaller court means less running than sports like tennis.

This results in less pressure on joints such as hips and knees and means injuries are less likely.

Similar to a wiffle ball, the pickleball ball is also light and soft which means it is less likely to cause injury even if hit really hard.

Finally, the pickleball paddle does not have strings and is served underhand, making it a low-intensity instrument that is easy on the arm for older adults.

Pickleball has especially been adopted by former tennis players, as it still involves the same level of strategy with less stress on muscles, tendons, and joints.

The most important part of an exercise plan is consistency. You’re not going to keep it up if it’s not fun. You don’t have to worry about that with pickleball!

So, is pickleball good exercise?

Anything that gets people into exercise is amazing and some time spent on the pickleball court is only going to do good things for your health.

Pickleball is good aerobic exercise that can be adapted for many different abilities and offers a fun way to get regular exercise for all skill levels.

Playing will increase your steps, raise your heart rate and burn calories, while also being easy on your joints, which makes it a great easy sport for older people who want to enjoy moderate exercise.

Its addictive nature and fun social atmosphere will also ensure players consistently continue to exercise and have fun while improving their physical fitness.

When it comes to the fun factor, it definitely beats the treadmill or heading for a run!

There’s no doubt that the fun and social side of pickleball is what has made it the fastest-growing sport in the United States and beyond.

The pickleball burn is real for all age groups,

Just remember that you still need to add strength training and mobility exercises for a full wellness routine.

Is pickleball your only form of exercise? Have you found it improved your health? Please let us know in the comments or say hi in our Facebook Community.

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