21 Easy Ways To Improve Today!

Want to take your games to the next level? Here’s how to improve at pickleball – fast!

Whether you’ve been playing pickleball for years or recently discovered the sport, it can be frustrating when you see room for improvement.

Improving your skill level is one of the most rewarding parts of playing pickleball, after all!

When your skill level improves, you’ll be able to play with more control, challenge new opponents and meet new people as you play with new partners.

But HOW do you improve at pickleball?

Don’t worry – we’ve curated all the best ways to make progress fast.

Keep reading for our top tips on how to improve at pickleball today!


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How to improve at pickleball

We all know that practice makes perfect. And, if you’re practising regularly, you’re off to a great start!

But we know you want to see improvement as quickly as possible – so here are 5 easy ways to get better faster:

1 – Make sure you’re looking after your body 

When you don’t warm up or stretch sufficiently, you put your body at greater risk of injury. 

And, even if you don’t get injured, you’ll start to see your game play deteriorating over time.  

Some simple pickleball-focused exercises and stretches will go a long way to helping your performance on the court – trust us!

Click here to see some easy pickleball exercises that you start incorporating into your recovery today.

2 – Work on your singles strategy

Even if you have no desire to play singles matches, some casual singles play could be the ticket to improved doubles games. 

When you play singles pickleball, you’re forced to make all the decisions because you don’t have a partner to rely on. 

And that means you reap all of the benefits! 

Click here for some bonus tips to get the most out of singles games (whether you’re training for singles or doubles!). 

Footwork is an essential aspect of pickleball. You need to be able to move quickly and efficiently to get to the ball.

Practice footwork drills such as the “zig-zag” drill, the “side-step” drill, and the “cross-over” drill to improve your speed, agility, and balance.

4 – Practice your serves

The serve is the only time in pickleball where you have complete control over the ball.

Practice different types of serves, such as the high serve, low serve, and spin serve, to improve your serve consistency and power.

Work on your ball toss, grip, and follow-through for better accuracy and placement.

Click here for 15 top serving tips to help take your pickleball serve to the next level!

5 – Improve your grip

Your grip is essential to your pickleball game.

The most common grip in pickleball is the continental grip, which allows for maximum versatility and control.

Practice holding the paddle with a firm but relaxed grip to improve your control and power.

Experiment with different grip styles to see what works best for you.

6 – Learn different shots

Pickleball offers many shot options, such as the forehand, backhand, dink, and lob.

Work on each shot individually, focusing on proper form and technique.

Practice hitting these shots from different positions on the court, and learn when to use each shot in a game.

7 – Work on your volleys

Volleying is an important part of pickleball.

Practice volleys with a partner to improve your reflexes and reaction time.

Focus on keeping your paddle in front of your body and hitting the ball with a smooth and controlled motion.

8 – Play with better players

Playing with more experienced players can help you improve your skills.

You can learn from their techniques and strategies, and they can provide you with constructive feedback.

Don’t be afraid to ask questions and seek advice!

9 – Watch instructional videos

There are many instructional videos available online that can teach you different skills and techniques.

Watch these videos to learn from the experts. Take notes and practice what you learn in your next game.

If you want an all-in-one training that covers everything you need, check out this comprehensive bundle of training videos and enjoy an exclusive, limited-time discount.

10 – Join a pickleball group

Joining a pickleball group can provide you with more opportunities to play and practice.

You can also meet other players and learn from their experiences.

Look for local groups or clubs in your area, or leave a shoutout in our free Facebook community to find other players near you.

11 – Practice with a ball machine

A ball machine is a great way to practice pickleball alone and can help you improve your accuracy and consistency.

It can also provide you with a good workout!

Practice hitting shots from different angles and speeds to challenge yourself.

It’s also possible to practice this way at home. You can buy a ball machine online and then you’re ready to go!

12 – Attend a Pickleball Clinic or Camp

Participating in a pickleball clinic or camp can provide you with valuable lessons and practice opportunities.

These events are led by experienced coaches and players, and can offer personalized feedback on your technique and strategy.

Attending a clinic or camp can also be a fun way to meet other pickleball enthusiasts and make new friends.

Click here to check out our favorite and recommended clinics and pickleball camps for adults.

13 – Play in tournaments

Playing in pickleball tournaments can help you improve your game under pressure.

You can also learn from other players and get feedback from judges.

Start with local tournaments and work your way up to bigger events as you gain experience.

14 – Practice your mental game

Pickleball is not only a physical game but also a mental one.

Practice techniques such as visualization, breathing, and positive self-talk to improve your mental game.

Learn how to stay focused and calm under pressure.

15 – Get in shape

Being in good physical shape can improve your overall performance in pickleball.

Even though pickleball is an accessible sport – which is one of the many reasons why it’s so popular! – improving your athleticism, in general, will only help your game.

Practice cardio and strength training exercises to improve your endurance and strength. Stretch regularly to prevent injury and improve flexibility.

16 – Stay hydrated

Hydration is important for any physical activity. Make sure you drink enough water before, during, and after playing.

Avoid sugary drinks and stick to water or sports drinks with electrolytes.

Staying hydrated when you’re not playing is just as important as when you are playing, too.

While many players have no problem guzzling back enough H2O during an intense rally, can you say you’re drinking enough at home and away from the court?

If in doubt, try using a hydration-tracking water bottle such as this one to make it easier!

17 – Analyze your games

Recording and analyzing your games can provide insights into your strengths and weaknesses.

Use your phone to film your games and watch them back later to look for patterns, mistakes, and areas for improvement.

Take notes and use them to adjust your training and strategy.

18 – Experiment with different equipment

Pickleball equipment can have a significant impact on your game.

Try different paddles, shoes, and balls to find what works best for you.

Consider the weight, grip, and material of the paddle, and try different types of balls to adjust to different playing conditions.

Check out the Pink Pickleball store for some fun, motivating gear to wear on and off the court, too!

19 – Practice your returns

The return is often the most challenging part of pickleball, yet most players spend much more time perfecting their serve.

Practice your return shots such as the block, drive, and lob to improve your accuracy and consistency.

Focus on returning the ball deep and low to put pressure on your opponent.

20 – Work on your communication

Communication is important in doubles pickleball.

Work on your verbal and nonverbal communication with your partner. Use hand signals, eye contact, and verbal cues to coordinate your movements and avoid collisions.

Practice playing with different partners to improve your communication skills on the court and it will help your overall gameplay.

21 – Have fun!

Pickleball is a fun and social game. Don’t forget to enjoy yourself while you’re playing, and don’t be too hard on yourself if you make mistakes.

Learning and improving takes time and effort, but it should also be enjoyable.

After all, having fun is only going to increase your chances of learning and help you make progress faster.

More ways to improve your pickleball game

Once you’ve put all 21 of these pickleball tips into practice, we’re sure you’ll notice a huge improvement in your pickleball play!

Even if you can only implement one or two, we’re sure that you will improve at pickleball quickly.

Are there any other ways to improve at pickleball? If you have any ideas on how to improve at pickleball that you would like to share, please leave a comment below!

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